יום ראשון, 10 בינואר 2010

Shmos - 5770 - 2010 - What didn't the astrologers see

Shmos: 1:22 “Pharaoh commanded to all his people, saying, ‘Every son that will be born – into the river shall you throw him! And every daughter shall you keep alive’.”

The Talmud (Sota 12:a) states that at first Pharaoh decreed that only new born Jewish males should be thrown into the water. He then changed his decree to include even the Egyptian new born baby’s.

Why did Pharaoh decree also on his own nation?

So the Sefer Gevuros Hashem brings down that the astrologers saw that on that day, the redeemer of the Jewish people was born, but they did not know from which nation he came, so the decree was upon all newborns.

Why didn’t the astrologers know if the baby was going to be born from a Jew or an Egyptian?

The answer is because Moshe was different than any other Jew. Moshe was also called a “son” to Pharaoh’s daughter (Divrei Hayamim 1:4). Moshe was also on a different level than the rest of the Jewish nation. The astrologers were therefore unable to know from where the redeemer would come, and the decree was then placed upon the Jews and the Egyptians.

(Adapted from – Orah shel Torah, Artscroll Chumash)

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